Quit Vaping with Support from DMYFS
Ready to take the first step toward quitting vaping? Durham Middlefield Youth & Family Services is here to help! We offer free "Quit Kits" designed to support you on your journey to a healthier, vape-free life.
Each Quit Kit includes:
Ready to take the first step toward quitting vaping? Durham Middlefield Youth & Family Services is here to help! We offer free "Quit Kits" designed to support you on your journey to a healthier, vape-free life.
Each Quit Kit includes:
- Coping skills to help manage cravings
- Resources for additional support
- Information to guide you through the quitting process
For resources on Youth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention please visit www.dmlwc.org/teen-mental-health.html

Our vision is to be the leader in bringing partners and resources together to address the root causes of social problems in Middlesex County, and to promote the growth of vibrant, inclusive communities where inspired, caring people and organizations provide opportunity and support for all.

The Durham Middlefield Local Wellness Coalition(DMLWC) is a group of individuals and organizations that partner and volunteer their time to maintain a safe, healthy, and drug-free community for local youth. All are welcome to participate at a variety of levels!
Thank you to The CVEF (Coginchaug Valley Education Foundation) for providing this group of resources that is valuable to all community members!
Follow the link below to a collection of useful and helpful resources for parents and their children. Sit back, relax, peruse, and please use this information to make life a little easier during these unusual times. http://www.coginchaugvef.org/playbook |

Have you seen our YouTube video series with Dr. Alicia? The topics include stress, anxiety, marijuana,vaping and so many other hot topics! These short videos are made to help parents and community members learn about important topics that DMLWC & DMYFS focuses their work on everyday! Check them out! #ASKALICIA #DMYFS #DMLWC

2-1-1 is Connecticut's free information and referral service. Simply by dialing 2-1-1, a toll-free number throughout Connecticut, callers can reach knowledgeable, multilingual staff and get information, referrals or seek help in a crisis. 2-1-1 operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

The mission of Regional School District 13, a community that celebrates learning, honors tradition and embraces change, is to ensure that all students will be engaged and ethical lifelong learners and citizens who will thrive, excel, and contribute in an ever-changing, interdependent world by providing challenging, diverse, and nurturing experiences that empower each student to succeed through meaningful partnership with family and community.

Check out DMYFS's YouTube Channel
Videos include Prevention PSA's, Knowledge For College, Ask Alicia, Vaping Resources, Marijuana Resources, Yoga and more!
Videos include Prevention PSA's, Knowledge For College, Ask Alicia, Vaping Resources, Marijuana Resources, Yoga and more!
Community Support and Services
LOCAL EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE: Town of Durham Social Services (860) 349-3153 Town of Middlefield Social Services (860) 349-7121 Durham First Selectman’s Office (860) 349-3625 Middlefield First Selectman’s Office (860) 349-7114 SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (D.M.H.A.S.): (860) 418-7000 Hearing Impaired: (860) 418-6707 Website: www.ct.gov/dmhas/ Substance Abuse Treatment Access Line: (800) 563-4086 Connecticut Crisis Services: (860) 344-2100; (860) 262-5220; Main#: (860) 262-5200; Shoreline: (860) 358-3701 Partnership for Drug Free Kids: (855) 378-4373 Website: www.drugfree.org Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (S.A.M.H.S.A.) 4/7 Treatment Referral Line: (800) 662-4357 Treatment Finder: www.findtreatment.samhsa.org Find The Best Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center Near You. If you or a loved are struggling with an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol, get the help you need today. This website will find a top-rated treatment program. https://www.addictionresource.net/ Live Loud: Life With Opioid Use Disorder information http://liveloud.org/ https://rehab.help.org/guide-to-heroin-addiction/ https://rehab.help.org/guide-to-heroin-rehab/ BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Middlesex Hospital Center for Behavioral Health: (860) 358-6000 Website: https://middlesexhospital.org/our-services/hospital-services/behavioral-health Mobile Crisis Team for Children and Youth: Dial 211 Mobile Crisis Team for Adults: 911 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text HELLO DMLWC's Youth Mental Health Resource Page: http://www.dmlwc.org/teen-mental-health.html VICTIM SERVICES: Domestic Violence Hotline: (888) 774-2900 National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-4673 National Runaway Safeline: (800) 786-2929 Connect Alliance to End Sexual Violence Hotline: (888) 999-5545 for English (888) 568-8332 para Español CT Justice Department Office for Victim Services: (800) 822-8428 Training and Outreach Number: (860) 263-2760 Website: https://www.jud.ct.gov/crimevictim/ FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Certified Healthy Futures Parent Educators have been trained to advise families and provide in-home support for expecting parents and families with children, birth - 5 years old For more information visit www.childandfamilyagency.org Healthy Futures is a program of Child and Family Agency of Southeastern CT, Inc. in collaboration with Middlesex Health and the Connecticut Community Doulas, LLC and funded by the CT Office of Early Childhood. FAMILY ABUSE: Child Abuse: (800) 842-2288 Domestic Violence: (888) 774-2900 Elder Abuse: (888) 385-4225 After hours: Dial 211 HOT LINES: Domestic Violence Hotline: (888) 774-2900 Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255 Prevent Suicide Ct https://www.preventsuicidect.org/ Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 786-2929 The Trevor Project LGBTQ Lifeline: (866) 488-7386 Disaster Distress Helpline: (800) 985-5990 or Text TalkWithUs to 66746 INFORMATION AND REFERRALS: Connecticut United Way INFO LINE www.211.org or Dial 211 Durham Middlefield Youth and Family Services: (860) 349-0258 Website: www.dmyfs.org Teen Crisis TEXT: START to 741-741 SUPPORT GROUPS: Narcotics Anonymous: (800) 627-3543 www.ctna.org Alcoholics Anonymous: (860) 267-3857 www.aa.org Al-Anon: (888) 425-2666 www.al-anon.org Al-Ateen: (888) 425-2666 www.al-anon.org TriCircle, Inc. (Helping Individuals & Families affected by substance use disorders) : (860) 349-7074 Website: https://tricircleinc.com/service/hope-support-groups/ Gamblers Anonymous: (855) 222-5542 www.gamblersanonymous.org National Council on Problem Gambling: (800) 522-4700 www.ncpgambling.org Compassionate Friends (Loss of a child) for Middlesex County: (203) 887-9561 |